Swift action is necessary when a young person has been charged with committing a crime. Even though they are a minor, these types of charges can follow them into adulthood or morph into more serious crimes. To combat the charges your child could be facing, it is essential to hire a Bellevue juvenile defense lawyer to advocate for your child every step of the way.
Puget Law Group helps mitigate the impact a juvenile may be subjected to if they are charged with a crime. Our team works tirelessly to defend against unwanted allegations and protect their rights. With more than 150 years of combined experience, you can be confident that a Bellevue criminal defense lawyer from our team will fight for your young person to get them the best outcome possible.
A Lawyer Is On Your Side Right From the Start
A juvenile defense lawyer in Bellevue, WA understands the concern you have for your child and how juvenile charges can threaten their future. This process can be especially overwhelming and stressful if it is your son or daughter’s first offense. However, your lawyer will provide support and guidance to help you navigate the legal system and minimize the repercussions of the accusations.
When taking your child’s case, a lawyer will take the time to understand their circumstances and any relevant factors that may need to be considered when crafting their defense. Your lawyer will thoroughly prepare for their case by investigating what occurred and gathering as much evidence as possible to support their defense. They will also apply the most effective strategies and defenses to reach the desired results.
Depending on the circumstances and outcome of a juvenile case, a young person may have their records sealed to allow them to move forward without the charges affecting every aspect of their lives. If a juvenile meets the requirements to have their record sealed, a lawyer can negotiate this on their behalf, as well as handle any documentation needed for the process. Be sure to talk with your lawyer about this and other viable options for giving your child the best chance at a future.
For a free legal consultation with a juvenile crimes lawyer serving Bellevue, call 253-627-4696
Types of Offenses a Juvenile Defense Attorney in Bellevue Can Help You With
There are several types of crimes that a young person can commit that may require representation by a Bellevue juvenile defense attorney. These offenses could result in them serving time if they are sentenced, according to RCW 13.40.0357. If your child has committed any of the following crimes, we can represent them and fiercely fight the allegations they are facing:
- Theft and robbery
- Harassment
- Assault
- Weapon possession
- Malicious mischief
- Sex crimes
- Drug crimes
- Vandalism
These offenses can have serious ramifications for your child’s future if convicted. It can make them more susceptible to future criminal behavior and leave them to face any number of the collateral consequences outlined by the National Inventory of Collateral Consequences of Conviction. However, an experienced lawyer knows what strategies are effective to use when defending your young person against these charges.
Defenses That Can Be Used In Juvenile Cases
A strong defense can make a significant impact on your child’s case. With the right strategy, a juvenile defense attorney in Bellevue, WA can get the charges knocked down or dismissed to improve the outcome of the case. Your lawyer will review all the details of the offense in question in order to identify the strongest defenses to fight the allegations.
Duress, homicide, intoxication, and self-defense may all be defenses found in RCW Chapter 9A.16 that a lawyer might use to fight juvenile charges. Violations of rights, improper procedures, or mishandling of evidence could also be used in your defense, as it can provide the grounds for which evidence or the entire case could be dismissed. All details about the case should be clearly communicated to your lawyer so they have all the relevant information when building your defense strategy.
Mitigating factors can also be a strong tool in the hands of your defense lawyer. Age, capacity, and vulnerability may be applicable to your child’s case and help minimize the consequences they could face. Other mitigation factors provided by WAC 246-16-890 that might apply include remorse, cooperation, character, circumstances, mental or physical health, inadvertent actions, and/or no previous history or pattern of criminal behavior,
Bellevue Juvenile Crimes Lawyer Near Me 253-627-4696
Sentencing Alternatives Exist for Juveniles
If a juvenile is found guilty of an offense they committed, alternative punishments can be negotiated in order to prevent them from being confined to a detention center. This approach can aid in their rehabilitation and help discourage further criminal activity. In conjunction with supportive measures, these alternatives can limit the long-term impact on Bellevue’s youth.
Depending on the severity of the offense, some juveniles may be eligible for alternatives to secure detention. They may be able to remain in their home under an electronic home monitoring system. It can also allow youth to continue to get their education, attend community support programs, and fulfill any additional conditions of their sentence while their location is fully monitored and controlled.
es of a lesser degree, diversion and partnership for youth justice may provide a viable alternative to punishment by custody. It can provide your child with the support they need, help them engage in their community, and can be an effective way to minimize risks to their well-being and future. Local Community Accountability Boards (CAB) work with juveniles and their families to create an action plan that meets the needs of the young person.
Puget Law Group Advocates for Juveniles
Puget Law Group will act quickly to represent your child if they are facing criminal charges. We fight for them so they have the advocacy they deserve and their future will not be damaged by what they are facing.
To learn more about us, contact us today to schedule a free consultation with a juvenile defense lawyer in Bellevue. Let us help you reclaim your child’s future.
Click to contact our Bellevue Criminal Defense Lawyers today 253-627-4696